
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Bisexuality and Big Lips

As you may or may not know, I write for a few websites, one of them being I write fortnightly for their Style Saturday. On the other weeks, the segment has varied writers and is dedicated to fashion and style. Today was my day and I decided to honour Catwoman (more specifically Selina Kyle) since DC took a step in the right direction towards sexual diversity!

Also, if you don't already read The Arcade, then subscribe, follow, do ALL THE THINGS to get your geek news fix. You won't regret it.

And for this special article, I filmed a video on a Catwoman makeup tutorial where I also talk about the new craze of lip enhancers/ plumpers and a DIY solution to not spending $25+ on a little plastic cup that will make your lips huge.

Here's a screen grab of the before & after the lip trick.
Pretty ridiculous, isn't it?!
The lip enhancer is kind of a bonus I added to the video because I thought it would be fun to show you guys. The results are strangely immediate and effective. Have you ever tried doing it? I can't help but laugh every time I do it.

To check out the story and watch the video, click here!


Pastel Cubes said...

Adoreeeeeei a make, e o truque de deixar os lábios carnudos muito legal, vou testar!
Obrigada pelo tutorial <3

PompBerry said...

Ah brigada!!! :D Fico feliz que tenha gostado <3 Depois me conta se funcionou!

Andrea Hyionno said...

Fazia isso quando era criança porque achava engraçado, nunca tinha pensado em usar isso como efeito especial rsrs! Muito bom Fernanda, amei! Bjoo

PompBerry said...

Hahaha pois é! Esses dias no Instagram eu vi uma menina que fez isso e falou que ela fazia na escola com garrafa de Gatorade de brincadeira com as amigas xD hahah

Fico feliz que tenha gostado Déia! Brigada! n_n